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How to spend Valentine's Day in lockdown

How to spend Valentine's Day in lockdown

Valentineā€™s Day has been around since Roman times and although it is going to look a little different this year, we can make the most out of celebrating from the safety of our own homes.

Now, usually we would have a reservation in a favourite restaurant, or be going on a cinema trip, but with things being slightly different this year, we expect takeaways and Netflix to be the most popular ideas.

Lotā€™s of people arenā€™t fortunate to be living with their partners at the moment... But, whether you are living with your partner, or are having to spend the day virtually, we have put together some of our Valentineā€™s day date ideas below that are lockdown friendly.

1: Dress Up, Stay Home

Now the very obvious idea is staying at home for a date day, now we know we have all been doing this anyway, however this could be a day where you turn your phones off (unless you need it to Facetime of course!), switch any distracting devices off and focus entirely on one another for the whole day.

Get dressed up, put a suit and tie on, a dress, or jeans a nice top and treat it as if you were going on a ā€˜properā€™ date day.

Start pre heating the oven and invest in cooking a 3 course meal together, okay or maybe one of you take charge, however doing this together is often something that couples rarely get time to do together. We would usually always opt for a restaurant to cook for us, taking the easy route, but thereā€™s something romantic about the idea of cooking together! Now, if you are virtually doing this, do it all the same, just cook for one and both have the same thing, simples. Unless one ends up burning it and the other doesnā€™t... You may end up eating alone, so much for romantic!

Whilst your dinners cooking you could plan your next getaway together. From city break to beach resort, planning a trip together always leaves room for positivity and excitement, especially in this current time, looking for small positives is extremely important and if this is planning the trips you can take once we are able to, then go for it!

Just simply spending the day together and doing things you love and talking properly can really get you and your partner some real quality time together, which may of us donā€™t make much time for when we are busy in our every day lives.

2: Play Some Games

We all know hat since last march, virtual quizzes have boomed! Now, letā€™s think outside the box.

AĀ couples quiz is the right place to start... This puts your knowledge of each other and your relationship to the test, but remember it is only a little bit of fun!Ā 

Plus this is one you can play in person and virtually.

3: Itā€™s Takeaway Time

Okay, maybe you donā€™t want to spend the evening cooking, we TOTALLY understand, us either! Hello Deliveroo... Order your favourite takeaways and enjoy a meal together. Set the table with a candle, and put your takeaway on a plate, youā€™d never know the difference.

Ordering from local restaurants and takeaways really helps out your local businesses too, whilst giving you both a tasty valentineā€™s day treat, what a perfect excuse to go big and get dessert too!

4: Binge TV

Not caught up on Bridgerton yet? Now is your time!

Binge watching TV programmes or movies together is the perfect way to spend a cosy evening or day at home. Take it in turns to choose what to watch and it becomes a little more fun and varied.

Of course, if you are watching virtually, you can use Teleparty (previously Netflix party) and this will allow you both to watch the same thing in sync, from different homes... Could anything better exist?!

5: Quality Pamper Time Together

Relax, have a bubble bath and indulge in some self care together. Because who else has been loving looking after their skin during lockdown?

Our Spa at home set or our Itā€™s All Good BARBER PRO set is perfect to treatĀ yourself to. With sheet masks perfect for the spa night at home, these will leave your skin looking fresh, clean and deeply pampered.

Maybe you want to create a spa night in hamper for you and your partner, including a face mask, or a set is the perfect addition to snacks and cosy socks!

Most of all... Enjoy yourselves!

This year may be very different from your ā€˜typicalā€™ Valentineā€™s day, however we all know the importance of spending quality time with loved ones now more than ever, so embrace it all.

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Alcohol and Your Skin - Our Top Tips šŸ„‚

Alcohol and Your Skin - Our Top Tips šŸ„‚

The festive period is the time where we maybe be getting a little jollier than usual, this often comes with an increase in alcohol consumption.

We donā€™t want to bring bad news but alcohol can affect your skin in many ways. But donā€™t worry, we are going to be telling you how to reduce the affects to your skin whilst celebrating Christmas.

Drinking can make you dehydrated and this is what the issue is with affecting skin. It removes all of the fluid from your skin. This can cause your skin to wrinkle and as a result, signs of ageing will occur earlier.

1) Pick your drink

Choosing your drink wisely is the first step. Different alcohol has different affects on the skin. Always go for clearer, ā€˜cleanerā€™ drinks. For example, Vodka. It is clear and will get our of your system quicker than a fruity, sugary, acidic cocktail.

2) Stay Hydrated

Drinking water alongside alcohol is not a myth, it will help to keep your body hydrated and keep your skin healthier afterwards.

3) Keep it to a minimum

Be wise about how many units you consume in a week. Drink every other day or less to give your body time to recover, including your skin too. As a young adult alcohol will leave your system in or around 3 hours, but if you are 40, the drink will take over a day to leave your body so therefore would still be in your system the following day.

Most importantly have fun! Being mindful is important, but having fun is too. Get merry, whilst maintaining beautiful skin with our tips. Enjoy.Ā 


Why not follow us over on Instagram to keep up with the latest news, products, tips and tricks?


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Our Top Tips: Digital Detox

Our Top Tips: Digital Detox

This time of year often means we spend a lot of the time reflecting. When was the last time you had a break from your phone, social media and the screens?

Technology is something most of us could no longer live without and we have so many great uses for it, like keeping in touch with friends and family. But you can gain so much from turning all of it off, as much as having it on. This is what people now call a digital detox and it had proven to become very popular.

Now, you may want to make this a weekly goal or just a once a month, but ensuring you schedule some time to have a day off screen is very important for many reasons.

We all know what its like to see that dreaded screen time pop up on our phones and remind us of how we spend almost every minute of being awake glued to a device, and how we have now become a little ā€˜obsessedā€™ with picking up our phones. Unplugging and taking in things around you will often destress and mentally have a positive impact.

We often spend our time comparing ourselves and our lives to other that we follow online, when infact everything on instagram is a highlight reel. but often it is easy to get into the trap of wondering why you arenā€™t getting paid to go travelling or to promote a product. Spending less time on social media for a day a week or a day a month will allow you to step away from the highlight reels and focus on the positives in your life and often we can miss out on what is around us as we are so engrossed in our screens.

Letā€™s look at our top tips on how to digital detox..


1) Set up ā€˜App Limitsā€™ on your phone settings. If you have an iPhone, you can set a time limit on your apps to the hours you spend on them via your settings, or set a specific time to when you need to step away from certain apps.

2) Set up ā€˜Downtimeā€™ in your Iphone settings. This will remind you to step away from the screen completely between specific hours in the day. This is a great one if you are trying to reduce your screen time all together rather than focusing on a specific App.

3) Let friends and family know that you will be doing a digital detox day and when, this will allow for them to be able to contact you using a different method or they will not expect an instant response if they do contact you, using your phone.

4) Completely turn your phone off, or for safety reasons, if you need your phone on you and turned on, you may wish to turn all notifications off from your apps and messages. This will mean you will not be tempted just to click on a notification and open an app, as we know how easy it is to be tempted.

5) Airplane mode is a life saver or do not disturb. This means you can still use features on your phone like emergecy calling, but you will not be disturbed otherwise. You can pop out and listen to music still but can benefit from no sound notifications or calls coming through.

6) Enjoy it! Donā€™t see this time away from your devices as tough love or a negative thing. It really is a positive little thing you can do to free your mind every so often from the online world that we all so easily get pulled in to.


Why not follow us over on Instagram to keep up with new products, competitions and tips and tricks?

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Unique gifting ideas for Christmas

Unique gifting ideas for Christmas

Sometimes we can be a little stuck on some out of the box gifting ideas for Christmas, but donā€™t worry! We have some ideas below on where and how to gift our sheet masks this season.

Secret Santa Essentials

Wondering what to buy your secret Santa for under Ā£10? Maybe you donā€™t really know them very well and are finding it difficult to find something ā€˜suitableā€™ and not inappropriate. Our sheet mask ranges are perfect. We currently have 3 for 2 across ALL sheet masks too, so what better excuse!Ā 

This year has meant more time has been spent at home, we havenā€™t been able to visit spas or salons as much as we would have hoped so something that encourages some time out is ideal.

Overwhelmed with choice? Why not pick our Detoxifying and Brightening mask for her as a great 2 step from home facial. Or if you need something perfect for him, then select the BARBER PRO Gentlemens mask and for an added bit of fun, select the BARBER PRO Super Eye Mask!

They are out of the ordinary for secret Santa, provide someone with some self care and are an all round great idea. We would personally love to receive them!

Placemat Pressies

Do you take your Christmas table very seriously? How about treating your guest with a sheet mask as a placemat present!

Perfect for decor and giving, they will make lovely gifts for your guests to take home and enjoy in the evening with chocolates and wine. Everyone needs a little pamper this year.

Adding a little extra to the table for your guest will make you the favourite Christmas host!

Hamper Goodies

Do you enjoy building your own hampers for Christmas? Hampers are lovely presents that can be personalised to your friend or loved one, depending on the things they love.

You canā€™t go wrong with tea, biscuits, jams but we also think one of our sheet masks would be a lovely self care present to include. Maybe you have changed it up this year and want to do a wellness hamper, if so these really are a must have.

Your loved one will be able to sit back, relax and look after themselves for 15-20 minutes.

Shop our sheet mask ranges online today, mix & match, add 3 to your basket and get the cheapest free.

Happy Shopping!




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Our Top Tips To Avoid The Winter Blues

Our Top Tips To Avoid The Winter Blues

We know how easy it is to feel a little less positive in the winter months, especially this year. BUT changing up your routine and mindset can simply help avoid those winter blues and help your wellbeing during these next few months.

Here are a few tips from us on how to do just that.

1) Move a little

Doing a workout can boost endorphins and mood!

Look to workout first thing in the morning to get your day set out right, but remember, donā€™t pressure yourself! If you manage to do this 2/3 times a week that is enough and you shouldnā€™t punish yourself if you skip a day or two.

Use Youtube to find lots of at-home workouts!


2) Get plenty of sleep

Ensuring you get your 8 hours in is important but also ensuring those 8 hours are quality sleep is also important. Try to reduce the amount of screen time prior to going to bed. Have a relaxing evening routine to help you wind down and recognise it is time to switch off.

3) Stay positive

Learning how to think more positively can change many aspects of your mental wellbeing and one way to do this is by writing down what you are grateful for and all of your positives. Sometimes we can all get a little distracted by something ā€˜badā€™ forgetting that actually thereā€™s so many good things to be grateful for in our lives. So start writing these down every morning to start your day positively.


4) Call a friend or family member

Sometimes a small phone call can go a long way! Stay in regular contact with friends and family, this can massively change your mindset and will leave you feeling inspired and grateful if you have a wonderful conversation with a loved one.

5) Make time for the things you love

Whether it is painting, drawing, binging Netflix or simply reading a book, making time for a hobby or interest of yours within your day to day life can really enhance your wellbeing and attitude. This is the perfect time of the year to not feel guilty in staying in and spending time on your passion.

6) Invest in some self care time

Simply relax and wind down withĀ a BeautyPro sheet mask, a bubble bath and a nice film. By spending time on just yourself, it will leave you feeling refreshed. Sometimes all we need is just time out to relax and not to feel guilty for doing so.


Head over to our Instagram and follow us to keep updated with new products, tips and tricks.Ā 




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The Ultimate Stocking Fillers For Everyone šŸŽ

The Ultimate Stocking Fillers For Everyone šŸŽ

December will be here before you know it and whatā€™s the harm in being super organised?

One of our favourite parts of Christmas shopping is ALWAYS the stocking fillers.

Thereā€™s nothing more fun than shopping for little bits to fill up a wonderful stocking and watching a loved one be over joyed with what is inside. But sometimes we are often stuck for ideas to fill up a stocking with so hereā€™sĀ some ideas from us.

Help them have a relaxing, indulgent Christmas this year by including BeautyPro or BARBER PRO Sheet Masks in their stocking.


And you may want to be quick as we currently have a 3 for 2 offer running on all single sheet masks!*Ā 

Our ranges of sheet masks contain something for every skin type or concern. They are perfect for skincare lovers or beginners and encourages someone to take 15-20 minutes of time out to sit back and relax.

Who doesnā€™t enjoy using this time over the festive season for a pamper?


Something Fun:

If you are shopping for him and want to include something fun but also that works wonders, then our Super Eye Mask is perfect! Packed with superfoods, this mask is vegan, PETA Free but also a whole lot of fun. It will work to fight puffiness, cool and soothe the eye area. Leaving him feeling and looking fresh.


For her, you could pick our Pink Clay mask for a mess free clay treatment, or our Hyaluronic Acid for a fun foil mask that is perfect for hydration. The Pink Clay mask is mess free and will provide deep cleansing, hydrate the skin and brighten complexion.

If your loved one is all about plant based and vegan products then pick up a some of our plant based range for that superfood facial.

Our Avocado mask, contains Avocados from New Zealand that will intensely nourish the skin leaving it soft and supple. Or if someone you love struggles with blemish prone skin, pick out our Herb mask which is packed with herbs from Provence and antioxidants that will help with blemish control.Ā 

Whilst a 3 for 2 offer is the best excuse to get your shopping started, you can also get FREE DELIVERY on our website!Ā 




*3 for 2 offer runs from 1st November 2020 to 31st December 2020. Cheapest item free. Valid on all BeautyPro and BARBER PRO Sheet Masks. Excludes Gift Sets, Frontline Worker Bundles and Tubes.

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The Do's & Don't's When Sheetmasking

The Do's & Don't's When Sheetmasking

Common Sheet Mask mistakes


Want to get the most out of your next sheet mask pamper session?

We are going to be talking you through the common mistakes that are made when using sheet masks. We hope this simple guide helps.


1: Not Choosing the right mask

Now, just because the packaging might be cute, doesnā€™t mean it is the most beneficial mask to your skin type. Know what your skin type is and search for which benefits and ingredients are most suitable to you. Our packaging contains benefits and what results you will get, this is there to help you chose the right one. If you ever need any help, just pop us a DM on Instagram!

2: Not prepping your face beforehand

Cleanse! Make sure you are applying your sheet mask to a clean face. NEVER apply onto a dirty face. You can never prep too much. If you are feeling extra prepared, then exfoliating and toning beforehand is also a great thing to do. This will ensure your skin is perfectly clean and prepped to get the most out of your sheet mask and its ingredients.

You can use our detoxifying mask to cleanse your face before using a one of our other treatment sheet masks.


3: Not reading the instructions

Reading instructions is the most basic of steps but a lot of people do not do it. Not all sheet masks are the same, so just because you have used them before, doesnā€™t mean you shouldnā€™t read the instructions. All of our packaging contains illustrated instructions for your information. Timings change depending on the mask and the ingredients, always check!

4: Not smoothing the mask out properly when applying

Ensuring the mask is as tight and smooth as possible to your skin is important. Place the eye, nose and mouth holes in the correct place then pull tightly to the edges of the mask to apply over your face. Smooth out where needed and pull tighter. Make sure the chin is folded down, not left hanging.

5: Not following the correct timing

You may think leaving on a sheet mask for longer than stated is a positive thing, but it isnā€™t. Always stick to the suggested time as using the mask for longer can irritate the skin and cause the mask and product to eventually dry up. So set a timer and remove within the allocated time.

6: Washing the face after removing a sheet mask

Never wash your face after using a sheet mask! You need to gently pat the excess serum into your skin, do not throw it away or wash it away. You can then apply to the neck, dĆ©colletage, your hands, knees and elbows... Donā€™t waste, use it!

Why not follow us over on socials to keep up with new products, latest news and all of the tips and tricks?

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World Mental Health Day: Self Care Ideas & Resources

World Mental Health Day: Self Care Ideas & Resources

We all have mental health and it is just as important as our physical health.

World Mental Health Day, a programme of the World Federation for Mental Health, was observed for the first time on 10 October 1992. This year has been very challenging on so many people around the world and in the most unexpected way and it is very easy to be worried, scared and anxious at a time like this.

Everyone needs to practice self care and take some time to really take care of themselves. We are all so guilty of putting other things first and not making ourselves a priority.

World Mental Health Day is a day to raise even more awareness about how so many people struggle with their mental health and that it is OK, not to be OK. We all need a little help sometimes and asking for help is a sign of strength not weakness.

We have put together some self care ideas that you could start incorporating into your daily routine, to increase good mental health and to simply take time out to enjoy the day.

Speaking to a family member or a friend could be a great relief and they may be able to really help, and opening up is a really strong and brave move to make.

Start something new! How about learning a new skill? Or starting a new hobby? All of these things are really challenging and positive and can really motivate you to stay positive and are great ways to put your thoughts into something else.

A big thing to remember amongst all of this is that your mental health does not define you, you are lovely and you have every reason to be here. We at BeautyPro are extremely conscious of mental health amongst the team and have weekly catch ups, on more personal levels to ensure we are all doing everything we can to maintain good mental health and also to offer any help to anyone who may be needing it or some words of wisdom. We love a good quote or two!

And remember... You are never a burden, Please speak to someone and please know that there is someone out there who wants to help. And of course, this doesnā€™t have to be a friend or a family member, there are many resources and charities who can help you too.


We have put together a list of useful numbers below that are available for you to use.

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Face up to autumn: The Sheet Masks You NEED For This Season

Face up to autumn: The Sheet Masks You NEED For This Season

After weeks of sunshine and heat, your skin is probably in need of some care, so it is time to switch it up a little.

October means that Autumn is fully underway and as the leaves are turning and the nights are getting darker, it isnā€™t just your wardrobe that you should be changing up for the season.

Preparing your skin for the colder days is extremely important and adapting your routine to meet your skins needs. You may find the temperature change will cause your skin to become dryer, flaky and a little angry.

We are going to take you through the top 4 BeautyPro Masks that NEED to be in your skincare cupboard this Autumn.

The first must have this season is The Hyaluronic Acid Gold Foil Mask.

Drench that face!Ā 

During colder weather, your skin can become prone to drying more, so by using Hyaluronic Acid within your daily routine, you can increase hydration and stop your skin from getting dry.

This mask is perfect for when your skin becomes fatigued, or you are suffering from flaking.

Shop it here.

2: The Plant Based Pumpkin Infused Sheet Mask

Your post summer skin may need a peel and by using an exfoliating product, this will keep your skin looking fresh. Anti-Ageing is also extremely important too. After all of the sun that your face has been exposed too, it is important to incorporate anti-aging products to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Perfect to use once a week or when your skin is looking a little dull, our Pumpkin Infused Sheet Mask is not only great for halloween, but it is made up of AHAā€™s, which help to increase cell renewal. Plus... It smells divine!

But, that isnā€™t all that is great about it! The Pumpkin ingredient is actually extremely softening and brightening for the skin. You will be left extremely radiant and glowing for autumnal activities. This is also made up of an anti-aging formula too, so itā€™s got you covered.

Our Plant Based range masks are made from natural Bamboo fibres, reducing the chance of irritation and all of the ingredients are 100% Plant Based. Our Plant Based Range is also certified by the Vegan Society and PETA

Shop it here.

3: The Black Peel Mask

Keeping your skin clean and free of dirt is essential. By cleansing morning and night, you will be able to ensure you are avoiding a build up of dirt in your skin and clogging pores up.

Plus, if you are cleansing properly, this will allow for other products to properly penetrate in to the skin.

Our Black Peel Mask is the perfect cleanser step for your skincare routine and to use before one of our treatment sheet masks.

The formula loosens blackheads and cleanses deep into the pores to remove impurities. whilst doing this, it will also be clarifying and purifying the skin and rebalancing oily areas. This peel off mask is packed with fruit ingredients that will act as a rejuvenating formula for the skin, leaving you and your skin feeling purified and rebalanced in just 20 minutes.

Plus, it is pain free!

Shop for it here.

Last but not least: The Pink Clay Sheet Mask

Changes in climates can cause our skin to panic a little, meaning you may end up noticing your skin breaking out more than normal. This is common and you just need to find the right product to help.

Our Pink Clay Mask is great for helping when our skin is panicking. With Calmine, Vitamin B and White Mulberry, itā€™s ingredients will help to cleanse and tighten pores, lift the complexion, and increase skin clarity.

Now this mask is a 40-60 minute treatment, meaning it is perfect for those lazy, self care Sundayā€™s or the perfect excuse to take some time out to yourself. This mask is a great all rounder that will cleanse, hydrate, brighten and provide an anti-ageing treatment all within 40-60 minutes.

Shop for it here.



Why not follow us over on socials to keep up with new products, latest news and all of the tips and tricks?


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A Little Throwback to 2010...

A Little Throwback to 2010...

BeautyPro Was born 10 Yearā€™s Ago... But What Else Was Happening 10 Yearā€™s Ago?

As we celebrate 10 years of BeautyPro this month, we wanted to take a look back on what else was happening this time 10 years ago. We all love a little throwback right?

2010 only seems like yesterday and maybe some of these might jog your memory of that iconic year! Keep reading for some nostalgia...

So, 2010 was definitely the year of some top hits. Katy Perryā€™s California Gurls Album dropped onto the charts and youā€™d be lying if you said you didnā€™t enjoy those singles! We were all living a teenage dream right...

Other songs that were on the billboard hot singles of 2010 were:
  • Tik Tok - Kesha... This single spent 9 consecutive weeks at number 1. If only we knew what Tik Tok would be in 2020!
  • Rihanna - Only Girl In The World. Rihanna had 4 singles in the top 50 this year!
  • Paparazzi - Lady Gaga. She also had 4 singles in the top 50 too in 2010!

The year of the girls!

Whilst we are on the subject of music, no year is the same without The X Factor on your screens. 2010 was the year of Matt Cardle, who was crowned the XFactor Winner this year and beat One Direction. Which also means... 2010 was the year that One Direction was created! Who is a directioner here? Thereā€™s no denying that they have made some truly catchy songs, and continue to be great solo too.

On another note... ( See what we did there?)
Announced in January of 2020 and launched in April was the first-ever Apple Ipad. This was the device that made tablets a thing! A little chunkier and heavier than they are today, the first Ipad was Appleā€™s in between of an iPhone and a MacBook.

There was plenty more happening in 2010, and we have listed them below:

  • Cadbury was taken over by American rival Kraft Foods
  • A cloud of volcanic ash from in Iceland caused the closure of airspace over the UK and Europe
  • Spain win the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa
  • A Picasso painting sells for a record-breaking $106.5 million at a Christie's auction.
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 hit theaters.
  • The British Grand Prix at Silverstone is won by Mark Webber with Lewis Hamilton in second place


10 years later, we were hit with a global pandemic, but, the nation pulled through and we worked together. We are more grateful than ever and look forward to the next 10 years of BeautyPro, we canā€™t wait to look back on 2020 one day.

Why not follow us over on Instagram to keep up to date with new products, tips, tricks, and learn more about us!

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Celebrating 10 Years Of BeautyPro!

Celebrating 10 Years Of BeautyPro!


BeautyPro turns 10 this year and we wanted to round up the last decade in this blog post.

Developed with one mission in mind ā€“ to become a leading global supplier of high quality, innovative products for the beauty, spa and hair industries ā€“ we have come on leaps and bounds since our establishment a decade ago.

From the countless commendations and award wins to our mass media following, us, as a brand is renowned for our range of innovative beauty sheet masks, formulated with a host of natural ingredients that continue to win the hearts of customers worldwide.

From a team of 2 to a team of 12, the last 10 years have been innovative, fun, and rewarding for all of us here.

Products with purpose:

Following the original launch of our sheet mask collection, the product range gradually expanded. The BeautyPro core range now contains 14 single products with a new Plant Based, Vegan range containing 7 masks. From Sheet Masks to Feet Masks, there is something for everyone and every skin type.

In addition to BeautyPro, we also developed BARBER PRO, the worldā€™s first set of sheet masks tailored to menā€™s skin and grooming needs. This brand is now 5 years old and the range has expanded too and will keep expanding. We really saw potential in this brand and mens grooming is continuously growing.

To date, our BeautyPro Foot & Callus Peel, followed closely by the original Brightening and Rejuvenating masks, stand as the top bestsellers. However, this isnā€™t to say that new arrivals within the product range havenā€™t already made their mark ā€“ The Black Peel Charcoal Mask and Thermotherapy Gold Mask, which contain active ingredients such as charcoal, hyaluronic acid, and Q10, are currently proving to be extremely popular. In addition to these, the new Plant Based, Vegan range is also proving popular with an extremely successful launch of this new range in April this year.

Continued success:

BeautyProā€™s success largely boils down to the customer-centric ethos, paying careful attention to the ever-changing demands of our clientele and developing an innovative, dynamic range of products tailored directly to their needs.

ā€œWe are a forward-thinking brand and listen carefully to what consumers want,ā€ comment Ibs and David. ā€œThis allows us to create products that are designed to serve the wants and desires of our customers; moreover, being reactive to trends and demands from our target market also allows us to stay ahead of the competition.

With the ranges expanding this year, our brands continue to grow each day.

We canā€™t wait to take you along with us for the next 10 years!

Be sure to follow us on Instagram, there will be lots of exciting birthday content over there, with competitions, best sellers and a surprise on the 10th August... ( Put the date in your calendar, it is not to be missed!)

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Five Things to Do Whilst Wearing a Sheet Mask

Five Things to Do Whilst Wearing a Sheet Mask

[This post was written by the self-care subscription box -Ā Lemonade Box. Read more about them at the end of this post and enjoy an exclusive, two-month discount.]


Ah, five things to do, whilst wearing a beauty mask. What a great topic. Our speciality, really. We mean, all of theĀ Lemonade BoxĀ team and theĀ BeautyProĀ team wear masks. Yup. They say, SUPER TEAM and they go with our special, SUPER TEAM costumes. The capes, too are a nice touch, we think.
Anyway... Today, we're here to help you choose your time wisely. We're going to give you some ways to spend your time, whilst you're wearing a beauty mask. Not the superhero, incredible, save-the-world kind of masks we wear, but the kinds of masks thatĀ BeautyProĀ do. You know, those absolute, self-care essential masks. The ones that make you feel like the beautiful queen (or king!) that you truly are. The ones that have also been featured in our very ownĀ Lemonade BoxesĀ ANDĀ Pyjama Drama Boxes, might we add.Ā 



It's only right that if you're wearing a beauty mask, you avoid scrolling through social media, and do something that really makes you happy. Something that makes you feel fulfilled. Something that doesn't numb your mind, but, instead, makes you feel the true benefits of self-care, especially with lockdown going on. Do you know what we mean? If not, you'll definitely know by the end of this post.


1. Read a few chapters of your favourite book
Reading is good for all sorts of things. It improves our memory and empathy and has even been scientifically proven to make us feel an overall improved sense of wellbeing and positivity. It's a productive way to spend your time and it also allows you to temporarily escape any troubles you may be dealing with, right now. What could be better than sticking on a face mask, or hand mask, or foot mask (masks are extremely versatile in this day and age, you know) and delving into a completely different world? Nothing! That's what. Absolutely nothing. So, why not give that a go, next time you're indulging in some essential self-care time? We promise, you won't regret it.


2. Learn a new recipe
Name a better duo than self-care and food. We'll wait. For a little bit. We get impatient, you know? Especially, when we already know what you're going to say. You're going to say "you know what, guys? I've had a think. There's no better duo than self-care and food." We're psychic. Just trust us, OK?
Anyway, instead of ordering a takeaway (as tempting as this may be), why not try to learn a new recipe? Hear us out. Think of your absolute favourite food ever. If you already know how to cook it, try thinking of a different one. When you've thought of one, look up the recipe and see if you can replicate it in the kitchen. That way, you can have it whenever you want (and you can run around the kitchen with a mask on your face, just because)! Also, it's good to keep busy and learn new things. So, why not keep busy by learning to cook your favourite food? Talk about killing two birds with one stone. Or, in this case, we guess it's more like giving two birds a group cuddle, because that's a nicer saying... And good food makes us feel warm, fuzzy and cuddly, inside.


3. FaceTime your family and/or friends
Keeping your friends and family close is always important. Especially, during times like these. Our relationships with others are arguably the most important things we have in our lives and we should always work hard to cherish and make the most out of them. Friends and family lift us up when we're feeling down and they care about us. What's even better, is that we have the power to lift them up when they're feeling down. You never know, if you decide to FaceTime your sister whilst you're indulging in self-care, it might be the highlight of her day. It might also give her the shock of her life, if she answers your call and you've got a grey mask on your face. But, that's not the important thing here.
Catch up with your friends and family, the next time you've got a beauty mask on. Even if it's for 10 minutes. It's good to communicate. Tell them how you're doing and ask them how they're doing. Lockdown can be really tough on our mental health and it's important that we've all got somebody to talk to and have a laugh with.


4. Plan your week/next few days/weekend
Planning is good for the soul. It really is. It makes us feel productive, it gives us something to look forward to, it keeps us busy and it makes things a lot less messy. It can be really daunting when you've got a bunch of thoughts in your head, especially when these thoughts seem just be an endless list of things that you need to do. Like get the groceries, or paint the living room, or wash the hamster. That's why it's good to plan. It's good to have everything in front of you.
Write down all the things you need/want to do over the next week, or few days, or weekend - depending on what day of the week it is, or how busy you are. Please bear in mind that this list doesn't have to solely be chores. It can be self-care, too. If you want to fit in a nice, relaxing bath, once you've given the hamster one, write it down. It's your life and it's your list. Do what makes you happy. As long as the hamster's happy, too. We like hamsters.


5. Do something you've always wanted to do
This can be anything. Well, almost anything. Of course, due to COVID-19, everything's a lot harder. But, this is why it's so important to keep a positive attitude right now and to stay busy. There are plenty of things you can do without leaving the house. Things that you've always wanted to do. Have a think. What is it that excites you?
It doesn't have to be something totally new. It can be something that you used to love doing, but don't do as often anymore, because life got in the way. You might want to start playing the guitar, again. Or, you might want to learn how to play the guitar, or any other instrument you like the look of. You might want to start painting, or drawing. You might even want to start a business, or learn a different language. ĀæQuĆ© tan genial serĆ­a eso?
If it's Spanish you've always wanted to learn, we've already given you a head start. Don't say we don't look out for you!Ā 


That's all, folks! There are loads of things you can do with your time, whilst wearing a beauty mask. The list is endless. If you're not a massive fan of the things listed in this post, have a little think about what you would like to do with your time. Just, make sure it makes you feel happy and fulfilled. That's the most important thing when it comes to self-care. It's all about you and your happiness. Your mind needs to feel as good as your body and ifĀ BeautyProĀ is anything to go by, your mind needs to feel exceptional!
Thanks for reading. We'll speak to you, soon.Ā 


Lemonade BoxĀ is a self-care subscription box based in Birmingham, UK. They provide 5-6 unique, handpicked items to your door, all expertly curated to reduce stress and encourage self-care, mindfulness and positive thinking. If you want to enhance your self-care routine, check out their website below and use the codeĀ BEAUTY15Ā for 15% off your first two boxes.
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